101.   Bonds tumbled, even as central bank officials denied the reports.

102.   -- A spokesman for the Colombian presidency denied radio reports that Finance Minister Jose Antonio Ocampo could resign from office following differences of opinion with president Ernesto Samper.

103.   -- Sumitomo denied a report in the Times of London that its former chief copper trader, Yasuo Hamanaka, is being held in a safe house in Japan.

104.   -- Sumitomo denied a report in the Times of London that Hamanaka is being held in a safe house in Japan.

105.   A BSkyB spokesman declined to confirm or deny press reports the British media company had decided to formally quit the alliance.

106.   A company spokesman denied the report.

107.   A Bush aide denied reports that the meeting was opened only at the last minute.

108.   A foreign ministry spokesman swiftly denied the report, and then later requests to the Taliban for comment about the news account went unanswered.

109.   A Chemical Trust Bank spokesman in Tokyo, who declined to be identified, denied the report.

110.   A Kendall-Jackson executive has denied reports that the vintner plans to merge with fellow California heavyweight Beringer.

v. + report >>共 377
deny 14.08%
confirm 10.97%
say 6.26%
release 4.17%
receive 3.99%
issue 3.04%
follow 2.82%
have 2.27%
investigate 2.14%
file 1.94%
deny + n. >>共 402
charge 15.16%
report 12.33%
allegation 10.78%
involvement 7.92%
wrongdoing 7.76%
accusation 5.30%
claim 4.12%
request 1.82%
knowledge 1.79%
responsibility 1.77%
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