101.   Opposition parties have little hope of defeating the legislation but have vowed to do everything they can to delay a vote.

102.   Parliament had delayed the vote for months as Macedonians accused the ethnic Albanians of territorial aspirations and attempted secession.

103.   A final vote was again delayed when the Senate adjourned late Tuesday with only a few amendments left to be debated.

104.   A hastily arranged visit to Capitol Hill by Christopher and Defense Secretary William Perry helped delay a vote by a day.

105.   A political uproar and a Supreme Court challenge rocked Bermuda Tuesday after Cabinet Secretary Leopold Mills announced the vote would be delayed indefinitely due to the storm.

106.   A political uproar rocked Bermuda Tuesday after Cabinet Secretary Leopold Mills announced the vote would be delayed indefinitely due to the storm.

107.   A hastily arranged visit to Congress by Christopher and Defense Secretary William Perry on Tuesday delayed the vote by a day.

108.   A political uproar and a Supreme Court challenge resulted Tuesday after Cabinet Secretary Leopold Mills announced the vote would be delayed indefinitely due to the storm.

109.   A political uproar rocked Bermuda on Tuesday after Cabinet Secretary Leopold Mills announced the vote would be delayed indefinitely by the storm.

110.   A two-week filibuster delayed a vote on a highway bill that increased the gasoline tax.

v. + vote >>共 450
cast 7.47%
have 5.87%
win 4.73%
count 3.84%
take 3.82%
hold 3.24%
expect 3.08%
get 2.70%
schedule 2.67%
delay 2.09%
delay + n. >>共 1028
start 3.70%
flight 3.18%
decision 2.89%
vote 2.51%
plan 2.11%
trial 1.86%
action 1.71%
project 1.64%
departure 1.63%
release 1.59%
每页显示:    共 224