101.   But, Bush said, the death penalty is appropriate when a defendant is guilty of a capital crime and has had full access to courts of law.

102.   By law, a defendant must be present and able to understand the proceedings, Haynes is able to do neither.

103.   By contrast, many defendants are isolated in jail until their arraignment when a public defender is assigned them, Singleton said.

104.   Christopher Floyd also may be released if he satisfactorily completes pretrial-services processing, in which counselors determine whether a defendant is a suitable candidate for release.

105.   Crack defendants are overwhelmingly black.

106.   Critics of the sex-abuse investigations have accused Perez of being heavy-handed with witnesses and complained that the defendants are usually mostly poor and uneducated.

107.   Defendants were about as likely to be charged with first-degree murder as all murder defendants and were no more likely to be acquitted or have their cases dismissed.

108.   Defendants could be federal agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency or the Energy Department, for subsidizing the use of fossil fuels or accused of failing to regulate emissions.

109.   Defense and prosecution attorneys have spent two days quizzing prospective witnesses, many of whom have declared that they already believe the defendant is guilty.

110.   Don Martin, an attorney for Andersen, told the jury pool the wrong defendant was on trial.

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defendant + v. >>共 460
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