101.   Fewer data are available in the case of liquid stool incontinence.

102.   The current data are insufficient to establish the suitability of the heater probe compared with other types of endoscopic treatment.

103.   There are few data concerning the role of anti- H pylori treatment in gastric ulcer disease.

104.   The data he cites are misleading or irrelevant and his line of argument is contradictory.

105.   There are few data for its use in other autoimmune cytopenias, although there is a report of successful use in a child with autoimmune pancytopenia.

106.   Unfortunately information on non-completion rates was unavailable as was the data for the non-university sector of higher education.

107.   More disaggregated spatial data is not yet available though earlier studies suggest that the range of disparity may well be of similar if not greater orders of magnitude.

108.   Because eurobonds are bearer instruments, data are not available on the investor base.

109.   So far the demographic and market data contained in these records have not been fully extracted before the data are disposed of.

110.   Statistical and research data is exempt from the subject access provisions, but not registration, provided that the data is not disclosed for any other purpose.

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