101.   The House version contains a number of provisions that would reduce environmental protection funding and cut education programs favored by Clinton.

102.   The Hartford board was in its fourth year of a fiscal crisis that was forcing it to cut programs.

103.   The financing situation, Nield said, has left universities with a cash crisis, forcing them to make choices between cutting capital programs or slashing recurring expenses.

104.   The most offensive riders under consideration would damage natural resources, cut programs for schools and the poor and impose mischievous new curbs on abortion and contraception.

105.   The program was cut this summer, then given a one-year reprieve.

106.   The school figured it would cover the budget deficit by cutting the program.

107.   The questioner asked why the subsidies should be saved when so many other programs are being cut.

108.   The Senate legislation sidestepped the issue for now, saying the cost would have to be paid for by cutting other programs.

109.   The two organizations, they say, perpetuate poverty in developing countries by forcing them to cut social programs in order to receive loans.

110.   The White House has threatened to veto a bill that cuts the program.

v. + program >>共 784
have 2.94%
run 2.91%
use 2.30%
develop 2.22%
expand 2.09%
create 1.84%
start 1.71%
offer 1.54%
support 1.53%
fund 1.34%
cut 1.24%
cut + n. >>共 936
cost 13.27%
tax 4.73%
rate 4.57%
price 3.88%
job 2.05%
production 1.70%
tie 1.68%
number 1.42%
deficit 1.17%
deal 1.15%
program 0.93%
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