101.   The flight crew had said earlier he demanded the release of cult leader Shoko Asahara, jailed in the subway attack.

102.   The flight crew said he demanded the release of cult leader Shoko Asahara, currently in jail accused of masterminding the Tokyo subway nerve gas attack in March.

103.   The flight crew had said earlier he demanded the release of cult leader Shoko Asahara, jailed in the subway gas attack.

104.   The flight crew said they were given a note saying the plane had been wired with explosives and they had been ordered to fly to Iran, they said.

105.   The helicopter crew said they may have spotted another, but had to return to the Caron because fuel was running low.

106.   The take had to be reshot, but the film crew said they were impressed by the performance of Cambodian actors and colleagues working with them.

107.   The U.S. crew said their plane was flying level on autopilot, on a fixed course and altitude, according to Pentagon officials.

108.   The trio headed to the United States in what ground control crew say could be the most hazardous phase of the journey.

109.   Though details were unclear, the crew said they had heard bursts of gunfire coming from the region, between Suva Reka and Stimlje villages.

110.   All the casualties were from the same family, ambulance crews said.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
crew 0.02%
crew + v. >>共 983
be 12.57%
have 4.75%
work 2.99%
try 1.70%
say 1.70%
arrive 1.61%
begin 1.60%
plan 1.23%
continue 1.17%
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