101.   Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto said Thursday his country would join scores of others in signing a treaty next week to ban anti-personnel land mines.

102.   Karayalcin, the Turkish foreign minister, said the customs union should be a step towards his country eventually joining the EU.

103.   Kazak President Nursultan Nazarbayev, a key proponent of CIS integration, said his country might join the Russian-Belarussian union.

104.   King Norodom Sihanouk warned Thursday that Cambodia risks being submerged by greedy foreigners and losing its national identity once the country joins the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

105.   Major has promised British voters a referendum on whether or not the country should join the single currency plan, provided his party wins the next election.

106.   Mamedov expressed hope that the two countries will join the pact in a meeting in Moscow with Indian Ambassador Krishnan Raghunath.

107.   Many non-EU countries also joined in the ban.

108.   Moreover, many Austrians are worried that hundreds of thousands of foreigners will overrun the country once former Communist countries join the European Union.

109.   Most African countries joined in a resolution of the Organization of African Unity in July backing Boutros-Ghali, an Egyptian, for a second term.

110.   Moscow fears that after the two countries join the EU, EU border and visa regulations will hamper free passage between Kaliningrad and the rest of Russia.

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