101.   Then we go in for continuous cost reduction.

102.   This decision will benefit OCI in terms of cost reduction,inventory pile-ups and faster delivery time.

103.   U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said Tuesday the United Nations was facing bankruptcy and warned that cost reductions will require cuts in staff.

104.   Ulrey said a task force was looking at all parts of the company for any additional cost reductions.

105.   With those actions and other cost reductions and increasing market share in the foodservice and international businesses, Oneida expects to return to profitability this year, he said.

106.   With those actions and other cost reductions and increasing market share in the foodservice and international businesses, Oneida expects to improve its profitability this year, he said.

107.   With video surveillance, extensive operational cost reduction can be achieved while law enforcement officers can be more efficiently deployed.

108.   However, he said productivity had improved and Molson continued to focus on cost reduction.

109.   Cost reductions would be achieved through design changes and increased use of cheaper foreign components, the official said.

110.   The recovery reflected strong demand, aggressive marketing, and cost reductions as part of a restructuring plan.

n. + reduction >>共 301
tax 10.25%
rate 9.10%
debt 8.99%
deficit 8.59%
price 4.85%
cost 4.11%
staff 3.44%
tariff 3.33%
job 3.03%
arm 2.74%
cost + n. >>共 416
saving 14.28%
estimate 6.72%
control 5.54%
increase 3.97%
cut 3.90%
reduction 3.86%
cutting 3.52%
basis 3.17%
structure 2.92%
index 2.44%
每页显示:    共 110