101.   The common theme is that the Super Bowl is just a game.

102.   The common theme, however, is high ceilings, large windows, and a definite demarcation between living and work spaces.

103.   The evil of stomach jiggling is a common theme of Friday sermons in the mosques.

104.   The duo also touched a common theme in the desire and apprehensions of Israeli-Arab peacemaking.

105.   The multipurpose element was a common theme all morning.

106.   The network, which will be available only in about two million homes to start with, will feature entertainment and news programming with the common theme of people.

107.   The one common theme among the fascinating observations and gossipy chatter is the irresponsibility of singers who push themselves into weighty roles for which their voices are unsuited.

108.   The reason young people become prostitutes varies, but common themes run throughout.

109.   The signature line and Ultra will draw on a common theme.

110.   The style of observance depends on the denomination, though fasting and avoidance of meat are common themes.

a. + theme >>共 911
central 4.28%
common 3.96%
same 3.81%
recurring 3.34%
main 3.13%
major 3.13%
similar 2.35%
familiar 1.77%
adult 1.59%
new 1.51%
common + n. >>共 911
currency 3.44%
practice 3.14%
border 2.46%
problem 2.20%
cause 2.10%
criminal 1.77%
interest 1.72%
thread 1.54%
form 1.51%
share 1.34%
theme 1.13%
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