101.   For the first time, the city will use zinc-based paint to guard against corrosion instead of lead-based paint.

102.   He said the city was using emergency wells to supply hospitals, fire stations and other critical institutions.

103.   In the days following the attacks, the city used One Liberty Plaza to support its emergency operations.

104.   Kane said the city will use its success with the fight in trying to draw other big events.

105.   Jones said cities can use tax revenues from gambling to fund education and other services to improve community life, and denied gambling automatically meant increased crime.

106.   Now, the city will no longer use the police standard for the official tally, Deputy Police Commissioner Thomas Antenen said.

107.   Police Senior Superintendent Romeo Maganto said the city will use a color-coding scheme to identify vehicles that should be off the streets on specific days.

108.   Several other cities have used similar checkpoints, but others held off to see how the Supreme Court would rule on Indianapolis.

109.   Several other cities have used similar checkpoints, but others were holding off to see what the Supreme Court would say about the Indianapolis case.

110.   Several other cities have used similar checkpoints and the practice could become fairly common if the Supreme Court gives its blessing.

n. + use >>共 1017
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city 0.39%
city + v. >>共 754
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