101.   The news agency cited delegation officials as saying they did not intend to meet with representatives of separatist leader Dzhokhar Dudayev.

102.   The report, which cited unidentified officials, said the government and the LDP were considering two plans.

103.   The news agency cited naval official Vladimir Mulov as saying that the body had been spotted several days ago but that workers had trouble reaching it.

104.   The other officials were cited for neglect of duty for failing to ensure that the mining company complied with safety and anti-pollution standards.

105.   The Russian Transport Ministry suspended all flights to the United States, Interfax cited ministry officials as saying.

106.   The private news agency Europa Press cited police officials as saying the arrests took place in Madrid and Granada.

107.   The Russians rained artillery shells on northwest Chechnya and carried out bombing raids in eastern Chechnya, the Interfax news agency reported, citing Chechen officials.

108.   The report cited unnamed officials in the PLO-ruled Gaza Strip, which became autonomous along with the West Bank town of Jericho last May.

109.   The rest of the attackers escaped, the ITAR-Tass news agency said, citing an official in the Tajik Interior Ministry.

110.   The Russian premier also is expected to take part in a conference on the Russian economy, the news agency said, citing government officials.

v. + official >>共 600
say 41.37%
quote 4.56%
meet 3.03%
accuse 2.16%
include 1.36%
tell 1.16%
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cite + n. >>共 847
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