101.   Her sudden death, with its unanswered questions, cast a shadow over the interrupted life of a remarkable woman.

102.   Hold a cylinder upright so that it casts a shadow against a wall.

103.   His failure to do so casts a shadow over this otherwise masterful memoir.

104.   However, the Ryder Cup will cast a shadow over all of them.

105.   I had no idea that clouds cast shadows.

106.   Imagine him looking up on D-Day when the hulls of the allied armada glided overhead and cast their shadows on the ocean floor.

107.   In fact, bumps on his face cast minuscule shadows, just as they would in real life.

108.   In return, China will drop plans to establish its own Hong Kong airline -- something that cast a shadow over Swire and Cathay for the past year.

109.   In the late afternoon, casting a shadow near them may cause a disturbance, the bee experts say.

110.   Individual lights are set up and focused to highlight art or architecture or to cast shadows.

v. + shadow >>共 133
cast 54.51%
see 9.30%
throw 3.52%
escape 2.39%
have 1.69%
create 1.41%
chase 1.13%
add 0.70%
prefer 0.70%
send 0.70%
cast + n. >>共 571
ballot 25.52%
vote 15.37%
doubt 14.11%
shadow 7.40%
pall 3.02%
spell 1.80%
eye 1.62%
cloud 1.34%
lot 1.30%
light 1.28%
每页显示:    共 385