101.   The law strengthens capital requirements for banks and outlines their responsibilities to deposit-holders.

102.   The newspaper said that under the new policy, companies intending to engage in direct exports must meet minimum capital requirements.

103.   Their profitability could fall from positive to negative and they will need more capital to meet capital adequacy requirements.

104.   This is the case with some construction companies who suddenly find themselves in a financial bind as a result of underestimated capital requirements in the initial planning stage.

105.   Capital requirements are as low as two million dollars in some cases.

106.   The other new regulations cover share transactions, licensing procedures and capital requirements of a stock exchange operator.

107.   Vickers Ballas said money market activities would also expand rapidly, with the Asian debt market expected to see exponential growth arising from ASEAN capital requirements.

108.   Other local banks might not be able to meet the capital requirements also.

109.   Periodically regulatory authorities adjust the capital requirement, usually increasing it, effectively making banks carry more capital for the same amount of lending.

110.   Simex has formed a risk-management committee to oversee policy on membership, capital requirements and positions limits.

n. + requirement >>共 752
visa 6.04%
work 5.61%
reserve 4.82%
disclosure 4.12%
capital 2.98%
safety 2.87%
residency 2.63%
eligibility 2.61%
entry 2.02%
graduation 1.49%
capital + n. >>共 533
market 12.98%
investment 8.34%
city 7.66%
flow 4.51%
murder 4.46%
case 3.48%
inflow 2.73%
increase 2.36%
charge 1.99%
control 1.94%
requirement 1.89%
每页显示:    共 111