101.   The company may build roads within the region however, linking its four to six drilling sites.

102.   The cut itself was excavated when the road was built about six years ago.

103.   The development possibilities spun off by construction of the proposed Northern Arc will be reduced if the road is built with interchanges only at expressways.

104.   The department is betting that it can get people to their destinations more quickly without building new roads if commuters can use digital equipment to outsmart traffic snarls.

105.   The consortia respond that they will not build any roads to the exploration area and will reforest the pipeline route.

106.   The field was so muddy that truckloads of gravel had to be brought in to build a road so vehicles could approach the site.

107.   The friend, who asked not to be identified, recalled that about a year ago David complained that a road was being built near his cabin in Texas.

108.   The key, Goldman said, is to separate the public space from the private space by building a road between any new development and a waterfront park.

109.   The native-owned corporation wants to build a road through the wild eastern reaches of the Copper River Delta to log forests at a site called Carbon Mountain.

110.   The money will not go to build roads, schools or even sports stadiums.

v. + road >>共 577
block 17.52%
close 6.34%
hit 6.11%
build 4.65%
use 3.38%
clear 3.11%
line 2.89%
open 2.64%
cross 2.64%
pave 1.94%
build + n. >>共 855
house 3.56%
plant 2.64%
home 2.24%
support 1.45%
bridge 1.41%
stadium 1.41%
case 1.36%
reputation 1.36%
road 1.35%
team 1.14%
每页显示:    共 269