101.   Aushev has attempted many times in the past to broker an agreement between Chechnya and Russia.

102.   By late Wednesday a peace agreement had been brokered by police after two days of racial conflict which began Tuesday.

103.   The Palestinian and Israeli negotiating teams continued their talks Sunday aimed at brokering an agreement allowing the Israeli army to withdraw from most of the West Bank town.

104.   The United States voiced hope Thursday that a peace accord for Chechnya will hold despite the sacking of national security chief Alexander Lebed who brokered the agreement.

105.   The United States has been seeking to broker an agreement on Cyprus that it views as the linchpin to improved relations between Turkey and Greece, both NATO allies.

106.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher, who helped broker the agreement after an intensive round of last-minute talks, initialled as a witness.

107.   It would not however give Canada membership of the so-called contact group which has been trying to broker peace agreements in the former Yugoslavia.

108.   Pahad said that US envoy Bill Richardson, who had brokered the agreement on a date and venue for the encounter, would not finally take part.

109.   Pelletreau, assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs, has brokered previous agreements between the rival Kurdish factions.

110.   Ramos ended the strike when he agreed to broker an agreement between PAL and the union.

v. + agreement >>共 365
reach 28.64%
sign 21.30%
announce 2.68%
have 2.53%
negotiate 2.21%
violate 1.46%
approve 1.43%
implement 1.26%
conclude 1.11%
make 0.86%
broker 0.54%
broker + n. >>共 126
agreement 11.78%
deal 10.76%
cease-fire 9.94%
talk 7.89%
ceasefire 6.45%
compromise 5.84%
truce 5.53%
peace 5.53%
settlement 3.89%
end 3.79%
每页显示:    共 114