101.   Fields said that in the case cited by the EEOC, Spencer Stuart presented a broad spectrum of candidates.

102.   Even some researchers who back stronger rules fear the list of regulated germs might expand too far, slowing research across a broad spectrum.

103.   He addressed his words to a broad spectrum of peoples, mentioning students, those praying in mosques and even soldiers.

104.   He dismissed criticism that the electoral process was too complicated and failed to represent a broad spectrum of society.

105.   He addressed his words to a broad spectrum of people, mentioning students, those praying in mosques and even soldiers.

106.   If Aristide names a council without consulting a broad spectrum of civic and political groups, critics could accuse him of trying to dominate the election process.

107.   Irwanto, a sociologist from Atma Jaya University in Jakarta, said a broad spectrum of gripes was behind the targeting of Chinese-Indonesians, particularly women.

108.   It was argued that such a coalition could represent a broad political spectrum as it would consist of nationalists and both traditional and modern Moslems.

109.   Lactobacillus casei has been shown to produce a microcin which is inhibitory to a broad spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens.

110.   On the converse, Petronas is a fully integrated oil and gas company engaged in a broad spectrum of upstream and downstream oil, gas and petrochemical operations.

a. + spectrum >>共 195
political 39.64%
broad 10.21%
wide 6.96%
ideological 2.77%
full 2.61%
whole 2.29%
entire 1.74%
broadcast 1.74%
new 1.74%
digital 1.58%
broad + n. >>共 1189
range 6.21%
support 5.71%
market 3.94%
daylight 2.58%
power 2.54%
outline 2.27%
agreement 1.94%
smile 1.67%
spectrum 1.54%
coalition 1.49%
每页显示:    共 128