101.   Lennon contended that FINA did not report finding any banned drug in either sample and, therefore, the charges should be dropped.

102.   Ljungqvist said he stressed the need for a permanent IOC fund to develop tests for EPO, human growth hormone and other banned drugs.

103.   Ma, who denies using banned drugs, said the time was right for a Chinese track comeback after a two-year slump.

104.   Marijuana long has been on the IOC list of banned drugs, but Carrard said he had no memory of the drug ever appearing before at the Olympics.

105.   Marijuana has long been on the IOC list of banned drugs, but Carrard said he had no memory of the drug ever appearing before at the Olympics.

106.   Medical tests suggest that cyclists on the TVM team took banned drugs during the Tour de France, judicial sources said Thursday.

107.   Meanwhile, a report published by a top French research center said that blood tests are the only reliable method of detecting the use of banned drugs in sports.

108.   Nebiolo has often expressed his dismay with having to deal with so many cases involving banned drugs.

109.   Nevertheless, Wadler said, organizations draw up lists of banned drugs for reasons other than what the substance can do to performance.

110.   New South Wales backline player Scott Staniforth will face an Australian Rugby Union tribunal after testing positive to a banned drug.

a. + drug >>共 1007
new 8.41%
illegal 5.80%
performance-enhancing 2.14%
generic 1.95%
illicit 1.51%
suspected 1.47%
major 1.39%
international 1.14%
banned 1.10%
intravenous 1.09%
banned + n. >>共 287
substance 25.31%
weapon 11.04%
drug 8.82%
group 4.94%
list 2.63%
stimulant 2.40%
steroid 2.40%
party 2.03%
material 1.80%
organization 1.39%
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