101.   The Legislature and the governor allocated more money to ensure that all the eligible soldiers would be covered.

102.   The money comes from the federal Department of Transportation, which also allocates money for highways, aviation, traffic safety measures, railroads and the Coast Guard.

103.   The money would be allocated to loans for inner cities and other underserved areas, a cause that the government has long supported and mandated.

104.   The PGA of America can allocate some money toward player charities and still have ample money left for its many fine programs that support golf across the country.

105.   The new budget allocates more money to cut off the supply of drugs than to reduce demand.

106.   The problem, Babbitt said, is that Congress has failed to allocate enough money to conduct these prescribed burns.

107.   The proposal became a test of the power of developing nations to resist pressure from rich countries and some private lobbying groups when allocating World Bank money.

108.   The omnibus bill, which allocates money for hundreds of programs large and small and incorporates numerous policy decisions that Congress never debated, now goes to the Senate.

109.   The plan also allocates money for health programs, law enforcement, biomedical research and help for tobacco-farming areas.

110.   The tax went into the fund to clean up contaminated sites, but businesses said the system of allocating the money was unwieldy and badly managed.

v. + money >>共 344
raise 9.53%
make 7.69%
spend 5.71%
use 5.44%
save 4.21%
lose 4.16%
have 4.14%
put 2.53%
take 2.47%
borrow 2.25%
allocate 0.38%
allocate + n. >>共 220
money 18.39%
fund 12.80%
resource 7.96%
seat 4.74%
share 2.65%
land 2.18%
budget 1.80%
time 1.61%
number 1.52%
responsibility 1.52%
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