101.   The Clinton administration even considered appointing still another commission that would actually adjust the CPI downward, but shelved that idea last week as politically too dangerous.

102.   The Clinton administration had considered pushing for the trade legislation last spring, but concluded that it would interfere with negotiations on a balanced-budget agreement.

103.   The Clinton administration is also considering a plan to place millions of acres of national forests off-limits to commercial development.

104.   The Clinton administration is considering letting the Food and Drug Administration regulate the tobacco industry, giving FDA Commissioner David Kessler some control over tobacco companies.

105.   The Clinton administration is considering making public its own proposals, which neither side has yet accepted.

106.   The Clinton administration is considering revising export controls.

107.   The Clinton administration considers the building of a justice system a top priority.

108.   The Clinton administration is considering a pilot program to expand Medicaid so that additional people with HIV can get the drugs.

109.   The Clinton administration is considering linking approval of a capital gains tax cut to a proposal to close this loophole.

110.   The Clinton administration is considering loosening rules governing how contractors on federal projects report how many of their employees are women or members of minorities.

n. + consider >>共 567
government 9.94%
company 5.43%
official 5.23%
administration 2.31%
authority 2.25%
people 2.01%
court 1.73%
state 1.67%
agency 1.53%
board 1.38%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
want 2.24%
try 1.81%
make 1.59%
seek 1.59%
oppose 1.53%
consider 1.45%
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