101.   The accord is a big victory for Computer Associates, which is based in Islandia, N.Y.

102.   The accord is a blueprint for handing over certain Israeli-occupied land to Palestinian control in exchange for Palestinian efforts to combat anti-Israeli terrorism.

103.   The accord is a step forward, but it is not without flaws.

104.   The accord is likely to let yields fall further as the supply of new bonds shrinks, investors said.

105.   The accord is particularly good news for imperiled Puget Sound and Columbia River salmon runs.

106.   The accord is the biggest in a series of recent partnerships between U.S. and European carriers.

107.   The cease-fire accord was the latest in a series of diplomatic breakthroughs brokered by Holbrooke during several months of shuttle diplomacy in the Balkans.

108.   The chip accord in particular is a potent subject for Clinton in California, the key state he must win in November.

109.   The Clinton administration, frustrated that nearly two years of negotiations have proved fruitless, has threatened to impose sanctions on Japan if there is no accord soon.

110.   The Germans say the US-brokered Bosnian peace accord is unjust because it divides the country.

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