91.   It simply is to point out that no written word is safe from those who would anoint themselves as censors.

92.   It reinforced his belief in the power of the written word.

93.   It was a labor of love, the record of a life that was truly an homage to the written word.

94.   Johnston said in an interview that these previously unrecognized practices underscored the importance of the written word and monumental art in reinforcing the power and authority of Maya kings.

95.   Just as he was comfortable with the written word, he was also a trained musician.

96.   Last year Clinton reneged on his written word to use higher tariffs on some Chinese goods as incentive to bring smidgens of human rights decency to Communist China.

97.   Later, in high school, the young man found power in the written word, writing to explain his roots and who he was.

98.   NIH researchers say the problem lies in the parts of the brain that process the written word.

99.   Other managers regard any written word as the gospel truth, and jump right into the fray.

100.   Paley has created an Internet site, TextArc.org, that uses computer technology to put a new spin on the written word.

a. + word >>共 1438
immediate 10.97%
final 3.72%
harsh 3.63%
kind 2.63%
official 2.61%
first 1.83%
right 1.74%
new 1.64%
written 1.62%
angry 1.45%
written + n. >>共 463
statement 12.12%
word 3.51%
report 3.12%
agreement 2.73%
request 2.69%
question 2.20%
response 1.86%
record 1.79%
permission 1.63%
consent 1.58%
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