91.   It is what makes you feel that you are a part of all that you see, smell, touch, taste and hear in the world around you.

92.   It entered my cells in its endless journey, making me a part, not apart from the world around me.

93.   It was a crew genuinely curious about what the world around it right now had to offer.

94.   It is a small island of spiffiness and order in the dangerous, ugly and messy world around it.

95.   It merely hopes to entertain, build a larger world around the Purple Moon characters and maybe sell a little software.

96.   Janet brought the game and the world around her a touch of class.

97.   Jermaine is alert and understands the world around him but cannot speak.

98.   Known for his long, Whitmanesque sentences and his documentarylike style, he can be ruthless, even cruel, in his pitiless contemplation of the world around him.

99.   Like Glavine, Rose seems oblivious to the world around him when he is pitching.

100.   Like the world around it, Iran is still undergoing a profound transformation.

n. + around >>共 1464
area 3.39%
way 2.18%
people 2.17%
arm 1.57%
security 1.30%
time 0.86%
thing 0.80%
position 0.66%
city 0.62%
street 0.61%
world 0.56%
world + p. >>共 110
in 13.28%
for 11.72%
with 9.65%
as 6.81%
by 5.36%
to 5.27%
on 4.29%
from 3.95%
around 3.40%
without 3.28%
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