91.   Officials with Damon House say they do not work magic but do produce results.

92.   On Friday, he, too, is expected to try to work his magic again, but on a limited scale.

93.   Once, their names were known only to restaurateurs, food critics and an esoteric circle of gourmets and foodies as they worked their magic behind the scenes.

94.   One after another, they say that their job is not to work magic with obscure ingredients, but just to bring out the flavor of simple foods.

95.   Others gleam and work their magic underground.

96.   Otis Douglas Smith worked magic with words.

97.   Producers work their magic, logging the messages and phoning respondents to arrange a time when Maxa can call them.

98.   Schmaltzy as that may sound, the film works magic.

99.   She would get up very early on the holiday morning and begin to work her magic.

100.   Some people said Suzuki was able to work magic on children.

v. + magic >>共 148
work 30.43%
have 4.17%
perform 3.26%
lose 2.90%
create 2.54%
make 2.54%
use 2.17%
do 2.17%
find 1.81%
recapture 1.81%
work + n. >>共 1178
hour 4.45%
way 3.82%
job 3.72%
magic 3.38%
wonder 3.06%
phone 2.82%
ninth 2.03%
crowd 1.93%
game 1.83%
land 1.75%
每页显示:    共 167