91.   Foreign observers and diplomats are closely watching developments to see whether democracy will survive in this country with a history of coups and political violence.

92.   He added that the British side in the JLG would be keeping an eye on things on election day, watching developments and talking to people.

93.   He said Fed policymakers were closely watching developments, but gave no indication that they were prepared to reduce interest rates when they meet Tuesday.

94.   Heid says Iomega also plans to closely watch development of rewritable DVDs, which are now too expensive for most home users.

95.   HLG Futures said it prefers to stay sidelined and watch further developments in Indonesia.

96.   In currencies, the dollar hovered in a narrow range against the yen as traders were watching developments in the WorldCom Inc. accounting scandal in the United States.

97.   In currencies, the dollar stayed in a narrow range against the yen as traders were watching developments in the WorldCom Inc. accounting scandal in the United States.

98.   Indian Ambassador Arundhati Ghose, a leading critic of the compromise, was closely watching developments between the United States and China.

99.   India keenly watches developments in Sri Lanka because instability on the island has always spilled over into its own territory.

100.   India keenly watches developments in Sri Lanka because instability on the island has always spilled over.

v. + development >>共 677
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watch + n. >>共 945
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