91.   Folic acid helps ward off neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, in the developing fetus.

92.   For America, the purpose and test of power is the ability to get things done that protect its security and interests or ward off dangers to them.

93.   Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Michael Moskow said the U.S. central bank has a responsibility to raise interest rates to ward off inflationary pressures before they appear.

94.   For now, the gangs have called a truce to ward off the busing.

95.   For Mexico, it was a safety valve to ward off the kind of social unrest caused when too many people chase too few jobs.

96.   For customers with bad vibes, he wears a crystal necklace to ward off headaches and stomachaches.

97.   For years Bactrim has been prescribed in wealthy countries to ward off pneumocystic carinii pneumonia, which was once a primary killer of Americans with AIDS.

98.   Genetic engineering involves the splicing of plant or animal genes into the DNA of other species, either to improve crop yields or to ward off insects or disease.

99.   Fuentes has also used his writing to try to ward off evil ahead.

100.   Furthermore, hoatzins can eat plants containing toxic compounds, such as alkaloids, that are supposed to ward off plant eaters.

v. + off >>共 462
lay 5.85%
cut 5.13%
set 4.53%
kick 3.62%
touch 3.30%
fight 2.65%
pay 2.52%
close 2.39%
break 2.10%
call 1.86%
ward 1.61%
ward + p. >>共 10
off 91.53%
at 4.98%
for 1.16%
of 0.83%
against 0.66%
as 0.17%
in 0.17%
to 0.17%
under 0.17%
with 0.17%
每页显示:    共 548