91.   All mainstream parties have voiced opposition to an amnesty, making the PDS proposal unlikely to go anywhere in parliament.

92.   Almost immediately, residents and several non-governmental organisations voiced their opposition.

93.   Argentina and Nicaragua made formal reservations to the final document, particularly over the abortion aspect, and the Holy See also voiced opposition.

94.   As Giuliani made the announcement at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens, a group voiced its opposition to the park staging water sports, citing environmental concerns.

95.   At the meeting, Levine also voiced his opposition to keeping Israeli troops in southern Lebanon, but favored a gradual pullout, Yediot said.

96.   As soon as FIFA General-Secretary Sepp Blatter revealed the proposals in the German magazine Stern Tuesday, the mighty national soccer federation voiced its opposition.

97.   Australian unions and conservationists joined forces Friday to voice their opposition to French plans to resume nuclear testing in the Pacific.

98.   Boutros-Ghali has voiced his opposition to any troop withdrawal but begun preparing for it anyway.

99.   Branson planned to meet Tuesday afternoon to British Transport Secretary Sir George Young to voice his opposition.

100.   Britain has voiced strong opposition in these areas.

v. + opposition >>共 741
face 13.00%
express 5.36%
voice 3.95%
drop 2.97%
lead 2.89%
draw 2.50%
reiterate 2.15%
meet 2.14%
accuse 1.84%
encounter 1.59%
voice + n. >>共 286
concern 24.59%
support 12.06%
opposition 5.50%
hope 4.08%
fear 3.57%
opinion 3.34%
doubt 2.58%
optimism 2.06%
confidence 2.06%
objection 1.81%
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