91.   They use the land mostly for enjoying the scenery.

92.   They argue, convincingly, that the planet would be a better place if humans used the grazing lands dedicated to cattle for growing more efficient food systems.

93.   They were on loan from the city with the understanding that the land might be used for low-income housing.

94.   They say that the law has given the government powers that are far too intrusive on their right to use their land as they wish.

95.   They want to use the land for office and industrial parks, a golf course, water parks and an aquarium, hotels, shops and restaurants.

96.   Those old neighborhoods use less land.

97.   Under the ruling, courts must take into account oral histories passed on from elders about who used the land and how they used it.

98.   Under federal law, American Indian tribes can use land within their own reservations for casinos or buy land elsewhere and put it into trust with the government.

99.   Weyerhaeuser planned to use the land as a timber export operation.

100.   When Guatemala established the National Council for Protected Areas, peasants were angered that someone would interfere with their ability to use the land as they saw fit.

v. + land >>共 670
sell 6.04%
buy 5.72%
own 5.16%
use 3.22%
clear 3.05%
take 2.04%
lease 1.87%
acquire 1.84%
seize 1.77%
confiscate 1.75%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
land 0.21%
每页显示:    共 188