91.   In Indonesia, university students in the pro-democracy movement so far have not quite confronted the issue of whether democratic rights should be extended to secessionists.

92.   In Damascus, university students pelted the U.S. Embassy with stones, branches and rubbish.

93.   In Kansas, Asif Ameen, former stockbroker from Bangladesh, allegedly defrauded at least a dozen Bangladeshi university students.

94.   In Shaanxi, Snow was soon joined by a young university student who became his translator and friend.

95.   Increased protests by university students are generating fears that disturbances could erupt when Pope John Paul II visits Nicaragua next week.

96.   INDONESIANS WITH A TUDE The Indonesian foreign minister recently told university students that they waste too much time sitting on the toilet.

97.   It also serves as a clinical setting for university students to fulfill part of their degree requirements.

98.   Islamic-oriented members of Parliament tried to topple Yilmaz after his education minister ordered a ban on the wearing of head scarves by female university students.

99.   It is the latest product under the campusMCI product line, which is targeted at university students, faculty and alumni.

100.   It took Ban and his group of volunteer university students five weeks to build the structure, which is a community hall that also functions as a church.

n. + student >>共 543
college 27.81%
university 12.85%
minority 5.32%
law 5.21%
honor 3.41%
seminary 2.40%
school 2.20%
art 1.81%
exchange 1.64%
high-school 1.42%
university + n. >>共 600
student 13.74%
official 10.58%
professor 6.55%
campus 4.83%
president 3.85%
system 2.08%
degree 1.79%
graduate 1.66%
administrator 1.66%
spokesman 1.59%
每页显示:    共 756