91.   Presidents have argued that their role as commander-in-chief allows them to send troops into battle without consulting Congress.

92.   President B.J. Habibie has since bowed to foreign pressure to allow U.N. troops into East Timor.

93.   Political instability in Macedonia could prompt Bulgaria or Greece to send troops into Macedonia.

94.   Premier Li Peng declares martial law, orders troops into Beijing to evict the students.

95.   Protecting the airport could mean issuing an ultimatum to the Serbs to move the surface-to-air missiles or face air strikes and by deploying U.N. troops into the surrounding area.

96.   --Saddam Hussein goes crazy and orders his troops into Kuwait.

97.   Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin ordered troops into the region of Chechnya on Sunday, declaring they were necessary to defend the unity of the Russian state.

98.   Sending troops into fight in Bosnia is politically unacceptable to Europe.

99.   Russian commanders also sought but did not get permission to send troops into the Italian sector, which would have altered boundaries that had been negotiated in painstaking detail.

100.   Sending troops into ragged, barren mountains where the opposition is at home would only move the disadvantages of Vietnam to a new and harsher setting, Rubin said.

n. + into >>共 1506
investigation 5.70%
way 2.65%
money 1.80%
ball 1.00%
research 0.81%
troop 0.77%
move 0.76%
people 0.69%
incursion 0.67%
country 0.61%
troop + p. >>共 70
in 29.83%
from 16.16%
to 10.68%
on 8.87%
into 5.60%
of 3.99%
for 3.09%
at 2.75%
out_of 2.12%
with 2.03%
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