91.   The top layer is in good shape, and I know both layers must come off.

92.   The top layer is limestone laid down before the age of dinosaurs.

93.   The top layer of skin should peel back easily.

94.   The top layer of skin, or keratinocytes, gives off chemical signals, cytokines, that trigger skin growth.

95.   The top layer was all kids.

96.   The top layer gets the most light -- like the very tops of trees.

97.   The top layer should be the grating cheese.

98.   The top layer of wall paint tore with it.

99.   The top layer solidifies before the bottom layer melts.

100.   The top layer was sloughing off her face, neck, trunk, legs and feet in large sheets like wet wallpaper.

a. + layer >>共 496
thin 12.19%
single 9.45%
thick 6.20%
top 5.78%
outer 4.70%
new 2.62%
second 2.58%
extra 2.46%
first 1.66%
protective 1.54%
top + n. >>共 669
official 9.23%
priority 4.25%
executive 3.54%
aide 2.72%
player 2.66%
team 2.46%
leader 2.35%
seed 2.13%
spot 2.09%
government 1.76%
layer 0.34%
每页显示:    共 138