91.   The tiny republic has many Djukanovic supporters but also ones loyal to Serbia and Milosevic.

92.   The tiny republic has many Djukanovic supporters but also those loyal to Serbia and Milosevic.

93.   The tiny southern republic has been plagued by kidnappings and other violence since the withdrawal of Kremlin troops, but Muslim leaders rarely have been targeted.

94.   The tiny Alpine republic is among the most prosperous and democratic of all candidates.

95.   Though Moscow claims to control most of Chechnya, armed clashes are frequent in the tiny southern republic.

96.   Three reformist parties agreed Wednesday to form a parliamentary coalition aimed at keeping the Communists out of power in this tiny former Soviet republic.

97.   Yeltsin said the army could be withdrawn from around Grozny, the Chechen capital, to other points inside the tiny Muslim republic in southern Russia.

98.   With civilian casualties mounting, international criticism of the assault on the tiny republic has grown.

99.   He said he planned to have two thirds of the tiny Moslem republic under his control by late September.

100.   He said Moscow was doing all it could to conclude the month-old war against independence fighters in the tiny Caucausus republic.

a. + republic >>共 179
former 28.77%
soviet 22.56%
yugoslav 7.83%
breakaway 6.00%
islamic 2.42%
southern 2.03%
dominant 1.79%
russian 1.73%
tiny 1.58%
serb 1.51%
tiny + n. >>共 1116
island 2.59%
fraction 1.98%
republic 1.71%
nation 1.61%
village 1.46%
amount 1.36%
piece 1.29%
country 1.26%
town 1.21%
minority 1.21%
每页显示:    共 179