91.   For the following year, the same thing will happen.

92.   I mean the thing happened, the float indeed was just split.

93.   Once your program has STOPped you can investigate the values of the variables to find out why things happened the way they did.

94.   These things could happen, after all -- even to men as unprone to making slips as Jake!

95.   Now she asked herself would the same thing happen again if she surrendered?

96.   That strange thing happened to his face again, the look she was beginning to recognise and dread.

97.   It is difficult to make things happen.

98.   They feel they could be closer to the turth, if things had happened faster.

99.   A few weeks later the same thing happened.

n. + happen >>共 1291
thing 31.48%
accident 8.08%
incident 5.34%
attack 1.90%
lot 1.61%
opposite 1.47%
crash 1.17%
stuff 1.15%
change 1.11%
shooting 1.11%
thing + v. >>共 260
be 38.64%
happen 9.73%
go 8.56%
get 6.84%
change 5.04%
look 1.64%
come 1.59%
seem 1.56%
start 1.55%
turn 1.49%
每页显示:    共 2336