91.   Robertson said television pictures he had seen Thursday morning after missile strikes late Wednesday showed the initial attack had gone according to plan, with minimal civilian casualties.

92.   Television pictures from a helicopter showed inmates beating many of the hostages.

93.   Television pictures showed burned car wrecks and dead pigs scattered across the road.

94.   Television pictures showed much of the glass canopy to be a twisted and shattered pile of wreckage on the downtown cobblestone square.

95.   Television pictures showed police in wet suits on rubber dinghies rescuing stranded people.

96.   Swiss television pictures showed that the entire cockpit area was intact.

97.   State television pictures of his glittering White House state dinner with US President Bill Clinton in October were played over and over to an awed Chinese public.

98.   Television pictures focused on the mutilated ear of one.

99.   Television pictures of male and female German police officers with bloodied faces being kicked and punched by enraged Kurds shocked the country over the weekend.

100.   Television pictures showed her from the shoulders up, her head in a heavy brace.

n. + picture >>共 507
television 10.07%
playoff 5.28%
satellite 4.95%
color 4.12%
team 2.34%
file 2.22%
championship 2.00%
employment 1.95%
baby 1.84%
weather 1.67%
television + n. >>共 463
station 9.69%
network 6.10%
set 4.06%
camera 3.68%
show 3.68%
interview 3.08%
commercial 2.66%
report 2.56%
program 2.49%
crew 2.34%
picture 0.66%
每页显示:    共 180