91.   Some school administrators have also obstructed efforts to solve the drug abuse problem for fear of tarnishing the image of their schools.

92.   That has tarnished his image as living conditions worsened, triggering anti-government strikes and fueling opposition charges of corruption.

93.   The affair has fueled claims by the far-right party that it was set up by infiltrators paid to tarnish its image.

94.   The bribery scandal has created a major crisis within the IOC, deeply tarnishing its image and leading to the expulsion of several members.

95.   The complaint suggested that Salinas did not want to tarnish his image with a devaluation.

96.   The case is the latest in a series of corruption scandals involving high-ranking government officials and relatives of the president, tarnishing his image as a pro-democracy activist.

97.   The controversy over the elections has tarnished the image of a country supposedly back on the road to democracy.

98.   The controversy has threatened to tarnish the image of Swiss banks and opened them to the risk of international boycotts.

99.   The controversy surrounding the internationally-funded elections has tarnished the image of its newly-restored democracy and raised questions about the legitimacy of the future legislature.

100.   The controversy threatened to tarnish the image of Swiss banks and opened them to the risk of international boycotts.

v. + image >>共 982
create 2.75%
improve 2.68%
use 2.49%
project 2.41%
change 2.38%
tarnish 2.04%
capture 1.84%
have 1.76%
show 1.64%
produce 1.58%
tarnish + n. >>共 138
image 27.39%
reputation 22.82%
allure 2.90%
name 1.87%
credibility 1.87%
career 1.66%
game 1.66%
record 1.45%
party 1.24%
legacy 1.24%
每页显示:    共 131