91.   But the talks produced only a vague agreement that foreign observers should be allowed to monitor a second round.

92.   The Taba talks produced a timetable for troop withdrawals from Palestinian areas spread over two years.

93.   The talks here produced an announcement Tuesday of a timetable for Israeli troop withdrawals from Palestinian areas spread over two years.

94.   The talks produced nothing of substance, only a vague agreement that foreign observers should be allowed to monitor a second round.

95.   Those talks produced a promise that Serb contacts with IFOR would resume at both the political and military level.

96.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher expressed pessimism earlier this week that Israel-Syrian talks would produce an agreement anytime soon.

97.   On Monday the talks produced a Russian dismissal of US claims that North Korea supplied sensitive missile technology to threatening states.

98.   Share prices plunged and the yen sank against the dollar as investors lamented the lack of action produced by talks between Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.

99.   The intermittent talks never produced a ceasefire.

100.   The off-again, on-again talks never produced a ceasefire.

n. + produce >>共 2049
company 4.55%
plant 3.06%
talk 1.24%
factory 1.22%
system 1.08%
meeting 1.04%
body 0.97%
country 0.93%
cell 0.74%
manufacturer 0.64%
talk + v. >>共 359
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continue 5.02%
take 3.00%
fail 2.86%
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每页显示:    共 100