91.   The seat has switched parties in each of the last four elections.

92.   The tightness of this election has led to widespread speculation this week that the majority could actually shift between elections because of lawmakers dying or switching parties.

93.   They also are trying to convince some Democrats to switch parties, although an initial sweep of a handful of potential defectors has come up empty.

94.   They boast of the five Democrats who switched parties, although one, Greg Laughlin of Texas, lost his primary.

95.   Three Southern Democrats, including Rep. Greg Laughlin of West Columbia, have recently switched parties, and others are expected to follow suit.

96.   Two young men from another Senate office strolled in, and one asked if Campbell had switched parties.

97.   Twenty four hours before he switched parties, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell told his Washington staff to ignore rumors of a press conference the next day.

98.   Watkins, a former Democratic representative, switched parties and took the seat opened up by the retirement of Rep. Bill Brewster, a Democrat.

99.   While Republicans are also given a chance to gain the seven Senate seats they need to command a majority, switching parties is rare in that chamber.

100.   Why do people switch parties?

v. + party >>共 936
ban 3.88%
throw 3.22%
leave 3.22%
join 2.80%
have 2.36%
lead 2.22%
hold 2.09%
attend 2.05%
switch 1.88%
represent 1.63%
switch + n. >>共 624
side 7.32%
party 4.58%
allegiance 4.00%
position 2.56%
gear 2.34%
job 2.27%
vote 1.80%
recognition 1.73%
place 1.62%
tactics 1.55%
每页显示:    共 126