91.   Three cars, an assault rifle, a pistol and other weaponry and equipment were seized from the suspected criminals.

92.   Turkish courts often accept hidden camera footage as evidence against suspected criminals.

93.   With each new high-tech gizmo police use to watch and catch suspected criminals, defense lawyers and prosecutors face new confrontations over privacy rights.

94.   While in Malaysia, Christopher signed an extradition treaty to facilitate the transfer of suspected criminals between the two countries.

95.   If Paris refuses to hand over suspected French criminals, they will nevertheless be tried for their crimes in French courts.

96.   As a result Belgian police have been obliged to allow suspected criminals to escape at the border, a situation which has provoked sharp exchanges between Brussels and Paris.

97.   But he warned that any suspected criminals would be treated accordingly.

98.   Earlier this month, President Boris Yeltsin launched a battle against organised crime by issuing a controversial decree that gives police sweeping powers to detain suspected criminals.

99.   Even as the governments in Burundi and Rwanda have arrested suspected criminals, they have also released them without charge, Amnesty said.

100.   The shift in strategy came amid criticism of the ABB morals in handing down the death sentence on suspected criminals.

a. + criminal >>共 421
common 11.67%
violent 7.60%
convicted 7.11%
suspected 5.39%
petty 3.58%
hardened 3.04%
alleged 2.06%
young 1.81%
white-collar 1.81%
dangerous 1.72%
suspected + n. >>共 816
militant 12.08%
guerrilla 7.75%
rebel 6.47%
terrorist 6.35%
member 3.20%
drug 2.75%
extremist 2.63%
weapon 2.35%
case 1.98%
gunman 1.24%
criminal 1.19%
每页显示:    共 109