91.   A second convoy should reach Yei on Wednesday, she said, and relief workers were fanning out to assess needs in the surrounding region.

92.   A declaration of a state of emergency in the southern port town and its surrounding region could be made within hours.

93.   All the mosques in the town and many churches in the surrounding region were destroyed.

94.   But Viktor Zakharov, the head of the FSS in Moscow and the surrounding region, claimed terrorist attacks were a real threat.

95.   Detainees were shipped into this far eastern port for farming out to prison camps that dotted the barren Siberian landscape in the surrounding Kolmya region.

96.   During the elections, Moslem buses were stoned passing though Croat areas in the surrounding region.

97.   The truck had been driven from Germany, police said, adding that the drugs were destined for distribution in the surrounding Lombardy region.

98.   The torrential rains also hit Madrid and the surrounding region, but no victims were reported there.

99.   Meanwhile, Zairean authorities were considering lifting a quarantine blockade around the town of Kikwit and the surrounding region, where the outbreak emerged last month.

100.   Outside Grozny and the surrounding region, the situation is less clear-cut.

a. + region >>共 728
southern 4.04%
northern 3.53%
mountainous 2.13%
remote 1.96%
eastern 1.93%
entire 1.92%
same 1.92%
breakaway 1.91%
disputed 1.84%
autonomous 1.79%
surrounding 0.73%
surrounding + n. >>共 558
area 16.96%
village 5.85%
hill 4.74%
community 3.41%
street 3.15%
region 3.01%
countryside 2.87%
mountain 2.73%
neighborhood 2.50%
building 2.39%
每页显示:    共 105