91.   A second suburban line runs through the station, which is also a busy subway stop.

92.   Rescue workers are drilling their way to the trapped men, who were digging a tunnel for a new subway stop when the land caved in.

n. + stop >>共 416
campaign 17.74%
traffic 12.42%
subway 6.35%
tour 4.21%
violence 2.76%
tourist 1.59%
heart 1.31%
transit 1.17%
music 1.04%
train 1.04%
subway + n. >>共 283
station 17.16%
attack 13.63%
system 8.05%
train 6.85%
line 6.58%
car 6.30%
stop 3.15%
worker 3.08%
platform 2.47%
rider 1.92%
每页显示:    共 92