91.   Under the eye of police, armed with tough orders to keep the peace, angry high school students marched through the streets of France on Tuesday.

92.   Waving placards and chanting slogans, the students marched from the University of Malaya down a main road leading to downtown Kuala Lumpur.

93.   Well after midnight, police finally retreated to their cars, and the students marched.

94.   Witnesses said police broke up the demonstration when students marched from the legislature into the downtown business and shopping district.

95.   Witnesses said the students marched from a nearby university campus where they had burned two cars and set up roadblocks.

96.   A similar clash broke out Saturday in Ramallah when students from Bir Zeit university marched on a nearby Israeli checkpoint.

97.   Earlier on Saturday, small clashes erupted in Ramallah when students from Bir Zeit university marched on another nearby Israeli army checkpoint from the West Bank town.

98.   The students marched past the offices of a coal miners union that has been on strike for three weeks.

99.   The students then marched on towards the parliament building and the premises of Studio-B television.

100.   Trouble erupted as the students marched towards the de facto PLO headqarters in Jerusalem where settlers are camped to try to force the closure of the building.

n. + march >>共 336
thousand 10.91%
protester 8.64%
student 6.31%
demonstrator 6.19%
hundred 4.96%
troop 3.68%
people 3.06%
soldier 2.94%
group 2.45%
crowd 1.84%
student + v. >>共 919
be 10.57%
say 4.47%
have 3.98%
take 2.79%
learn 2.10%
get 1.44%
go 1.25%
do 1.10%
come 1.02%
use 1.02%
march 0.56%
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