91.   When the Whigs decided to make him their candidate, they found he had no strong views on any issues of the day.

92.   Without expressing any strong political views, she nonetheless taps deeply into the heart of her native culture.

93.   You get no sense that McDonagh himself has any strong view about the film, except as a comic device.

94.   Aides in both parties said it would pass overwhelmingly, a reflection of the strong pro-Israel views of lawmakers in both parties.

95.   Barbosa was respected and admired for never manipulating the facts and teaching her students to respect differing opinions, despite her own very strong views.

96.   But Boutros-Ghali cannot afford to anger the United States, especially on an issue such as Iraq on which Washington holds strong views.

97.   But it faces opposition from conservative Greek Orthodox factions with strong anti-Vatican views.

98.   Fulbright, Church and Lugar were strong chairmen determined to use the committee as a force to imprint their own strong views on U.S. foreign policy.

99.   Hamilton, who was being treated for colon disorders, replied that he had no strong views on the debate.

100.   He is known for strong anti-American views.

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strong + n. >>共 840
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