91.   Stickers reading Charmin and Kleenex are the only evidence that the store once carried bathroom tissue or nasal wipes.

92.   The Canadian stores also carry a wider variety of furniture, consumer electronics and pet supplies, he said.

93.   The company would not elaborate, nor would it say whether its Gap or Banana Republic stores would carry food or open cafes.

94.   The Gold Crown stores will also carry an assortment of books from The American Girls Collection.

95.   The Nature Conservancy recently agreed to feature the product in its catalogue, and many small stores carry the products.

96.   The recipes here may require a trip to an Asian market, but natural-food stores may carry some items, too.

97.   The store also carries a healthy supply of grisly and supernatural props to make All Hallows Eve something to shriek about.

98.   The store also carries yarns from Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, and Brazil.

99.   The store usually carried them but was out, and with the pending closing would get no more.

100.   The store will also carry jewelry by Annette Ferdinand and Hannah Fushihara, two designers who have worked with the company.

n. + carry >>共 1172
charge 2.72%
plane 2.63%
newspaper 1.98%
man 1.80%
police 1.48%
people 1.46%
group 1.28%
truck 1.08%
store 1.02%
ship 0.92%
store + v. >>共 635
be 19.60%
have 8.04%
sell 5.95%
open 3.86%
carry 3.05%
offer 2.71%
close 1.99%
report 1.37%
do 1.37%
remain 1.34%
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