91.   But the joint statement indicated that they had resolved their differences by replacing him with two new lawyers -- Chief Rotimi Williams and Chief Afe Babalola.

92.   The statement did not indicate when the referendum would be held.

93.   The statement did not indicate the fate of the army and air force chiefs who are being replaced.

94.   The statement did not indicate when the town was retaken.

95.   The statement did not indicate where the group crossed over from, but Arakan borders Bangladesh.

96.   The statement also indicated that the UML was likely to encounter difficult times in the coming months.

97.   The statement indicated the merger was timed for October next year.

98.   The Tanjug statement also indicated that the Bosnian Serb side reiterated its objections to certain parts of the accord, but that it was ready to cooperate with Belgrade.

99.   This statement indicated that France would support a zero threshold in the negotiations on a nuclear test ban treaty, Evans said.

100.   Their final statement would likely indicate willingness of the wealthy OIC countries to increase their financial aid.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
report 10.25%
poll 7.03%
official 5.80%
study 3.65%
record 2.21%
survey 2.17%
evidence 1.89%
result 1.86%
research 1.73%
test 1.67%
statement 1.05%
statement + v. >>共 289
say 46.35%
be 10.21%
come 3.49%
add 3.10%
give 2.26%
make 1.80%
call 1.17%
follow 1.15%
indicate 0.96%
mention 0.89%
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