91.   He had come here from California, where he started several businesses and made lots of money.

92.   He had taken a course in computer programming and was thinking of starting a business designing Web pages.

93.   He bought two trucks, built a house and started his business.

94.   He has savings, is taking federally financed courses to relearn what he forgot from high school and is thinking of starting a business.

95.   He is able to move quickly because employees and investors know his track record, and because he knows the mechanics of starting a business, he said.

96.   He also said that some names they registered are no more than catchy words that people starting new businesses might want.

97.   He and his wife, Kathy, are starting the business in part to have more time with their children.

98.   He ran a couple of businesses himself and started a business.

99.   He planned to buy a trailer, he said, and start a business.

100.   He recently started a business that employs six of his old buddies, who as ex-cons had no chance of getting suitable work elsewhere.

v. + business >>共 684
do 25.56%
have 3.61%
conduct 3.37%
run 2.91%
start 2.25%
expand 2.17%
sell 1.54%
lose 1.41%
build 1.34%
hurt 1.24%
start + n. >>共 911
game 5.00%
fire 4.25%
work 3.52%
talk 3.01%
business 2.41%
negotiation 1.85%
career 1.82%
season 1.74%
program 1.52%
process 1.29%
每页显示:    共 367