91.   The wedding sparked outrage among church leaders, who contended it reduced the sanctity of marriage to a game show.

92.   Though Chan won a tactical victory, it immediately sparked outrage among protesters outside Parliament.

93.   Though Chan won a tactical victory, it immediately sparked outrage among about protesters outside Parliament.

94.   Thousands of civilians have died, sparking international outrage.

95.   Viduka, who transfered to Celtic from Croatia Zagreb last season, sparked immediate outrage at his new club when he abandoned Glasgow for an unscheduled return to Australia.

96.   French President Jacques Chirac has sparked worldwide outrage by his decision to resume nuclear testing in the South Pacific before signing a global test-ban treaty next year.

97.   French President Jacques Chirac sparked worldwide outrage by carrying out a controversial last series of nuclear tests in the South Pacific over last autumn and winter.

98.   However, the advent of Star TV has sparked outrage among traditionalists and educators who said the influence of foreign television was weaning the young away from their roots.

99.   A sickly yellow pallor on the Taj has sparked outrage among environmentalists.

100.   A string of five paedophile murders in the space of seven months has grabbed headlines and sparked public outrage.

v. + outrage >>共 160
express 29.23%
spark 13.48%
provoke 9.88%
cause 8.79%
voice 3.35%
trigger 3.18%
prompt 3.18%
stir 1.51%
draw 1.42%
follow 1.34%
spark + n. >>共 725
protest 6.79%
concern 4.07%
fear 3.57%
debate 3.33%
outrage 2.77%
interest 2.68%
riot 2.44%
speculation 2.41%
controversy 2.39%
violence 2.35%
每页显示:    共 160