91.   Titanic account from sole Japanese survivor sheds light on disaster.

92.   Toms wound up the sole survivor of a final-round battle much like the first three rounds.

93.   Two people who could be witnesses at the trial, including the sole survivor of the killings, say they have received death threats in the past two weeks.

94.   Willis plays the sole survivor of a train wreck, who comes through without a scratch.

95.   Angelo Di Livio is the sole survivor in midfield, which means first team places for three of the reserves -- Attilio Lombardo, Alessio Tacchinardi and Vladimir Jugovic.

96.   Denmark were also the sole European survivors in the Uber and Thomas Cups semi-finals.

97.   Norwegian press reports have indicated that court proceedings against Ansari, the sole survivor of four Palestinians who hijacked the Lufthansa plane, will begin Sunday in Hamburg.

98.   The fundamentalists were located thanks to the sole survivor of a group of five women abducted from the village.

a. + survivor >>共 427
only 8.30%
the 8.04%
sole 5.22%
immediate 4.74%
possible 3.73%
lone 2.98%
last 2.61%
camp 2.45%
jewish 2.02%
needy 1.76%
sole + n. >>共 719
purpose 4.33%
possession 3.94%
survivor 3.19%
responsibility 2.67%
candidate 2.31%
reason 2.21%
owner 1.99%
authority 1.95%
source 1.92%
control 1.85%
每页显示:    共 97