91.   However, a hairline crack in her right leg slowed the progress last month.

92.   However, hostile relations between India and Pakistan have slowed progress in establishing a free trade zone.

93.   In the trade talks, disagreements over environmental protection, labor rights, farm trade and dumping of products have slowed progress.

94.   Ms Ou-Yang said organisations like hers have stepped up efforts to thwart hate crimes through education but lack of funds has slowed progress.

95.   No bodies have been found, and progress has been slowed by a rainstorm that has lashed Belgium since Wednesday.

96.   Officials said Perry would emphasize to Karimov that the Clinton administration is opposed to actions that slow progress toward democracy.

97.   On again, off again U.N.-mediated talks on establishing economic links as a prelude to a political settlement have made slow progress.

98.   Progress has been slowed by disagreements over the policy details as well as over funding.

99.   Progress has been slowed on some fronts, however, because France and Germany have leadership elections this year and politicians are wary of upsetting powerful labor unions.

100.   Rescue helicopters and coast guard boats have been dispatched to the area where the plane disappeared, but heavy weather was slowing progress, it said.

v. + progress >>共 427
make 52.42%
report 6.14%
monitor 2.48%
see 2.19%
review 1.68%
show 1.54%
slow 1.53%
achieve 1.41%
discuss 1.21%
block 1.16%
slow + n. >>共 588
growth 14.64%
economy 10.18%
pace 4.83%
progress 3.12%
process 2.23%
sale 2.08%
demand 2.08%
traffic 1.78%
flow 1.64%
rate 1.64%
每页显示:    共 125