91.   The rebels claim discrimination by the Sinhalese majority.

92.   The rebels demand a separate homeland, accusing the Sinhalese majority of oppressing the Tamil minority.

93.   The suicide attack was part of the independence campaign by Tamil rebels who accuse the Sinhalese majority of discriminating against the Tamil minority.

94.   The rebels say the Tamils are discriminated against in jobs and education by the Sinhalese majority.

95.   The rebels see a homeland as the only way minority Tamils can escape what they regard as discrimination by the Sinhalese majority, which controls the government and military.

96.   The rebels want a homeland for the Tamil minority who, they say, are discriminated against by the Sinhalese majority.

97.   The rebels want a separate homeland for minority Tamils, because they accuse the Sinhalese majority of discrimination in education and jobs.

98.   The rebels want an independent homeland for the minority Tamils, saying they face discrimination at the hands of the Sinhalese majority.

99.   The rebels want an independent homeland in the north and east for minority Tamils who claim discrimination by the Sinhalese majority.

100.   The rebels accuse the Sinhalese majority of discrimination in education and jobs, a charge the government denies.

a. + majority >>共 546
vast 20.09%
republican 6.67%
overwhelming 6.36%
simple 4.37%
parliamentary 4.36%
large 3.68%
absolute 3.23%
new 2.73%
great 2.53%
clear 2.11%
sinhalese 1.79%
sinhalese + n. >>共 60
majority 48.83%
community 13.74%
group 3.80%
village 3.22%
civilian 2.92%
nationalist 2.63%
villager 1.75%
conservative 1.17%
mob 0.88%
language 0.88%
每页显示:    共 166