91.   If so, the announcement on Friday could have a significant impact.

92.   I was privileged to attend a most remarkable event that grabbed fewer headlines but had significant impact on the lives of many people.

93.   If those here are anything like their counterparts in Yellowstone, they will have a significant impact on the environment, reducing the number of coyotes, for example.

94.   In addition, partnerships with businesses and conservation by the state has had a significant impact, he said.

95.   In announcing the earnings, Shimizu said the ruling did not have a significant impact on first-half profits.

96.   In a telephone interview, Dr. Harold Varmus, director of the National Institutes of Health, commented that both kinds of genome work would have significant impact.

97.   In countries with inadequate policies, aid had no significant impact on growth.

98.   In fact, the way a wood floor is cleaned can have a significant impact on the refinishing process when refinishing becomes necessary.

99.   In announcing the earnings, Shiseido said the ruling did not have a significant impact on first-half profits.

100.   In Rwanda, simply jamming Hutu broadcasts and replacing them with messages of peace and reconciliation would have had a significant impact on the course of events.

a. + impact >>共 682
environmental 6.32%
negative 5.08%
economic 5.08%
immediate 4.18%
major 4.04%
significant 3.54%
potential 2.78%
big 2.56%
positive 2.41%
financial 1.85%
significant + n. >>共 920
change 4.55%
difference 3.29%
number 3.16%
amount 2.20%
progress 2.17%
role 2.12%
increase 1.88%
impact 1.79%
improvement 1.41%
gain 1.36%
每页显示:    共 262