91.   But U.S. officials showed little enthusiasm for the U.N. crop substitution program, which is also unpopular in the Republican-dominated Congress.

92.   But the administration has shown little enthusiasm for such a move.

93.   But the Republicans said the Pentagon has shown little enthusiasm for the project.

94.   Citizens, preoccupied by daily needs, have shown little enthusiasm for a vote widely seen as meaningless.

95.   Critics say Skuratov has shown little enthusiasm for prosecuting corruption cases in his four years as Prosecutor General and is only doing so now to save his job.

96.   Dole also showed little enthusiasm for quick action on changing the policy on gays in the military or prayer in the schools.

97.   Earlier, Israeli officials showed little enthusiasm for a new Palestinian peace proposal.

98.   Even Premier Romano Prodi showed little enthusiasm.

99.   Foreign investors have not shown enthusiasm for buying state-run enterprises, which are heavily burdened with debt, social welfare obligations and outdated equipment and management.

100.   He has forged closer ties to neighboring Russia and shown little enthusiasm for economic reforms.

v. + enthusiasm >>共 266
show 10.70%
dampen 9.38%
share 6.28%
have 5.66%
express 5.04%
temper 4.81%
generate 4.03%
lose 3.10%
bring 1.63%
contain 1.55%
show + n. >>共 1032
sign 13.22%
interest 4.00%
support 1.59%
improvement 1.41%
picture 1.14%
emotion 1.13%
promise 1.11%
restraint 0.93%
footage 0.92%
willingness 0.91%
enthusiasm 0.43%
每页显示:    共 137